
LUS4Metals Program 

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 Thursday, 5th May 2022 

08:00       Registration and Welcome Reception                                                          

08:30             Pierre-Alain Boucard, Director of LMPS (CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS), France 


08:40             Christophe Bescond, Invited speaker, NRC Canada, Boucherville, Qc, Canada (PDF of presentation                

                      ► Recent developments at NRC Canada for steel microstructure characterization and weld inspection

09:20             Bevis Hutchinson, SWERIM AB, Kista, Sweden (PDF of presentation)

                      ► High precision measurement of elastic anisotropy in metals 

09:40             Krister Ekström, SWERIM AB, Kista, Sweden (PDF of presentation)

                      ► Recrystallization kinetics of Fe-30Ni alloy with 0.008-0.083% Nb

10:00             Philip Meilland,  ArcelorMittal Maizieres Research, France (PDF of presentation

                      ► Assessment of grain size on moving steel strips during hot rolling with Laser ultrasonics

10:20             Pavla Stoklasová, Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences   

                      ► Laser-Ultrasonic Characterization of Omega Particles in Ti15Mo  

10:40           Coffee Break                                                                                                  

11:00             Paul Dryburgh, OPG, University of Nottingham, UK 

                      ► SRAS++ for single-crystal elasticity measurements in polycrystalline material 

11:20             Kristýna Zoubková, Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences 

                      ► Fake anisotropy of thermal diffusivity from transient grating spectroscopy measurements 

11:40             Xin Tu, Dep. Mech. Engin., University of Bristol, UK (PDF of presentation

                      ► Radial position independent directivity for laser generated ultrasonic shear waves

                      in thermoelastic regime 

12:00             Marc Choquet, Sponsor Presentation, Tecnar Automation Ltee, Canada 

                      Bruno Pouet, Sponsor Presentation, Sound & Bright, California, USA 

                      Christelle Anceau, Sponsor Presentation, Opton Laser Int., France  

12:30           Lunch Break                                                                                                

14:00             Peter Huthwaite, Invited speaker, Imperial College, London, UK 

                      ► High speed modelling of waves with the finite element method 

14:40             Mathieu Ducousso, SAFRAN Tech, France  (PDF of presentation)

                      ► Laser ultrasonics in a multilayer structure: semi-analytic model and different examples 

15:00             Tomáš Grabec, Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences (PDF of presentation)

                      ► Grain-boundary scattering of surface acoustic waves: experiment and simulation 

15:20             Bing Tie, LMPS, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, France 

                      ► Numerical Investigation of ultrasonic scattering phenomena at the grain-scale

                      in polycrystalline materials 

15:40             Pierre-Emile Lhuillier, EDF R&D, France (PDF of presentation)

                      ► Modeling method for the simulation of austenitic weld ultrasonic inspection:

                      realistic prediction of echoes and structural noise in weld inspection 

16:00           Coffee Break                                                                                                                 

16:20             Nicolas Legrand, ArcelorMittal, Chicago, USA (PDF of presentation 1) (PDF of presentation 2)

                       1) Pearlite monitoring in steel Sheets by laser ultrasonic technique 

                       2) Comparative analysis of phase transformation monitoring by dilatometry and by laser ultrasound

16:50             Mariana Rodrigues, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada  

                      ► In-situ laser ultrasonic measurements of phase transformation kinetics in lean Ti-Mo alloys 

17:10             Anton Jansson, SWERIM AB, Kista, Sweden (PDF of presentation)

                      ► Laser ultrasonics for quality control of resistance spot welding 

17:30            Matthew Riding, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

                      ► [Poster] Acoustic velocity mapping of multi-metallic components using laser-induced

                      ultrasonic time-of-flight tomography and neural data interpretation

17:40             Edouard Demaldent 

                      Sponsor Presentation, CEA List, LSMA, France 

                      ► Physic-based modelling for ultrasonic testing in complex materials at CEA List  

18:10           Group Photo           |    18:30        Bus Meeting                                        

18:45           Bus Start                 |    19:00        Dinner                                                  

 Friday, 6th May 2022

08:00           Welcome Reception                                                                                   

08:30             Edgar Scherleitner, Invited speaker, RECENDT, Linz, Austria (PDF of presentation)

                     ► The potential of laser ultrasound for sustainability in metal production and processing

09:10             Mikael Malmström, SWERIM, AB, Sweden (PDF of presentation)

                      ► On-line grain size gauge for the hot strip mill based on laser ultrasonics

09:30             Mathieu Ducousso, SAFRAN Tech, France (PDF of presentation)

                      ► Ultrasonic bulk imaging of shock wave spatial distribution in opaque solids 

09:50             Peter Lukacs, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK 

                      ► Laser Ultrasonic Tomography using Deep Neural Networks 

10:10             Panagiotis Kamintzis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (PDF of presentation

                      ► Surface acoustic wave suppression for ultrasonic imaging of near-surface defects

                      using laser induced phased arrays 

10:30           Coffee Break                                                                                                

11:00             Gildas Guillemot, CEMEF, 2MS, MINES ParisTech, France 

                      ► Grain structure modeling in fusion welding processes using a coupled CAFE approach

                       Application in NDT methods 

11:20             Alverède Simon, CEA List, LIC, France 

                      ► Analysis of the effect of inline laser-induced ultrasonic waves on the microstructure of materials

      processed in laser powder bed fusion conditions

11:40             Ronan Delalande, LAUM, France   

                      ► Determining elastic properties of a single metallic nanoparticle using time-resolved

                      ultrafast spectroscopy

12:00             Frédéric Faese, NETA SAS, France

                      ► Thin film characterization by picosecond ultrasonics on high curvatures surfaces 

12:20           Closing Ceremony & LUS4Metal 2024 organization                            

                      Bing Tie, LMPS, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, France

                    SWERIM AB next LUS4Metals and MDPI Applied Sciences Special Issue  

12:40           Lunch Break                                                                                                



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