
CEA List CEA List
The CEA is a key player in research, serving the state, the economy and citizens. It provides concrete solutions to their needs in four main areas: energy transition, digital transition, technologies for the medicine of the future, defense and security. The CEA-List, located in the CEA-Paris-Saclay and CEA-Grenoble centers, is a CEA technological research institute dedicated to smart digital systems. Its R&D programs, focused on the factory of the future, artificial intelligence and digital trust, contribute to the industrial competitiveness of its partners through innovation and technology transfer. The 900 engineer-researchers and technicians of the CEA-List put their expertise at the service of major socio-economic issues by offering technological innovations with high added value, centered on people and carrying values of social and environmental responsibility. The quality of its partnership research has earned CEA-List the “Institut Carnot” label in 2020 for the 4th consecutive time.
First european electricity producer, EDF produces safe, affordable and carbon-free electricity in power plants which it designs and operates all over the Euope and world. To support its activities and customers, EDF Research & Development division relies on recognized expertise, testing resources that are sometimes unique in the world, and world-class know-how. These innovative solutions are accessible thanks to more than 70 modern, high-performance testing, measurement and simulation platforms in all areas of the energy sector. R&D has supercomputers reaching a 11-Petaflop capacity as well as major digital simulation software, making it a leading player in these fields.
Sound & Bright Sound & Bright
Sound & Bright offers a range of cutting-edge laser-based ultrasound systems for Non-Destructive Testing applications ranging from laboratory research and development to industry. Our systems provide market-leading sensitivity and noise reduction. The technologies on which they are based were born of research and development grants from the National Air and Space Agency (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) and have been continually updated to meet our customer’s exacting standards. We are based in Los Angeles, California where our systems are designed and built to order.
Opton Laser Opton Laser
Opton Laser International is a major player in the French laser and photonics industry. Founded in 1990 and located in Les Ulis, in the heart of the “Optics Valley”, Opton has acquired an international reputation for competence and stability, offering its customers not only cutting-edge technologies, but also quality assistance. Opton is particularly active in the fields of lasers, spectroscopy, laser instrumentation, laser optical components and micro and nano-positioning technologies.
Tecnar Laser Ultrasonics knows that better process control means increased productivity. That’s why your productivity is at the heart of everything we do. Tecnar designs and develops advanced sensors for industrial process monitoring and control. Founded in 1989 as a spin-off from Canada’s National Research Council, Tecnar has since diversified into four highly specialized product lines: automated pressure pipe welding, thermal and cold spray sensors, non-contact laser ultrasonic sensors and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) sensors.
The ''Société Française d'Acoustique'' is an association under the 1901 law created in 1948 by Yves Rocard which brings together French-speaking acousticians, practitioners and academics. Its purpose is to promote the circulation of scientific and technical information between the various players in acoustics as well as contacts between research laboratories and manufacturers. Thus, it actively participates, on the national and international (and particularly European) level, in the scientific and technical activities which concern the various fields of acoustics. It is, among other things, a founding member of the European Acoustic Association (EAA European Acoustic Association). It currently has nearly 1,000 members, facilitating exchanges (directory), monitoring (newsletter, access to journals), access to and organization of national and international conferences.
The French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M), created in January 1945, is a non-profit scientific association, of general interest. It brings together around 1,000 individual members (from industry and academia) and 15 partners (industrial groups or federations). It is a place of meeting, training, and exchanges, a motor for the dissemination of information and innovations, and a point of convergence in a national and international network in the field of materials, their manufacture, and their usage. The SF2M contributes to the promotion of materials sciences and techniques, to the sharing of information on the progress of knowledge and innovations in the field of Metallurgy and Materials Science, by the organization of technical and scientific conferences. It promotes materials science and technology, particularly for young audiences. The SF2M represents its members with other scientific associations in France and abroad.
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