
The 5th International Workshop on Laser-Ultrasound for Metals (LUS4Metals) will be held at CentraleSupélec (Université Paris-Saclay, in the southern suburbs of Paris, France) from May 5 to 6, 2022, in following on from previous workshops held at the University of British Columbia (Canada, 1st and 2nd), the metals research institute Swerim (former Swerea Kimab, Sweden, 3rd), and RECENDT in Linz (Austria, 4th). This event will once again open to all interested parties from academia and industry. The small to medium size of the workshop will allow dynamic and fruitful exchanges between the attending researchers and industrial partners from all over the world around topics of Laser-ultrasound testing, modeling and simulation, from fundamental aspects to challenging engineering applications. The workshop language will be English.



  • Metallurgy and materials characterization (in-situ/off-line)
    • Evaluation of microstructure (grain size, texture, …) 
    • Monitoring of recrystallization, phase transformation
    • Determination of physical parameters
    • Thin film characterization
  • Defect detection and imaging
  • Modelling and simulation of wave propagation in complex media
  • Additive manufacturing and welding 
    • Characterization (surface roughness, coarse grains, anisotropic textures, heterogeneities)
    • Real time online monitoring
  • Novel instrumentation, advanced sensing, and methods
    • Advanced models and methods 
    • New contactless methods 
    • Machine learning
  • NDE for industrial applications
    • Quality control applications
    • Online monitoring


Invited speakers

  • Christophe Bescond, National Research Council of Canada, Canada. 

Recent developments at NRC Canada for steel microstructure characterization and weld inspection

  • Peter Huthwaite, Imperial College London, United Kingdom. 

High speed modelling of waves with the finite element method

  • Edgar Scherleitner, RECENDT, Austria

The potential of laser ultrasound for sustainability in metal production and processing


Program & Presentations

The workshop program can be downloaded here

NEW! Some presentation PDF files are now available online


Registration and abstract submission

Registration is close

Submission of abstracts is close

You can contact the workshop organizing committee for any questions.

There will be no call for papers at the workshop. Workshop participants interested in publishing a full-length paper may consider submitting it in the MDPI Applied Sciences Special Issue « Application of Laser-Ultrasonics in Metal Processing » (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/Laser_ultrasonics_in_Metal_Processing)


Important dates

  • Abstract deadline → March 14, 2022, extended to March 28, 2022.
  • Notification of acceptance  April 1, 2022
  • Registration deadline → April 1, 2022.
  • Early bird payment deadline  April 1, 2022.
  • Payment deadline → April 25, 2022.
  • Workshop → May 5-6, 2022.


Registration fees

  • EUR 125,- per presenter (Early bird)
  • EUR 250,- per participant (Early bird)
  • EUR 150,- per presenter (Standard)
  • EUR 300,- per participant (Standard


  • Registration Fee Includes:
    • Lunch (2 days)
    • Workshop dinner
    • Coffee/tea breaks
    • Registration package




Become a Sponsor

Please find different opportunities described in our sponsoring packages.


Platinum Sponsors: 

 CEA List  

The CEA is a key player in research, serving the state, the economy and citizens. It provides concrete solutions to their needs in four main areas: energy transition, digital transition, technologies for the medicine of the future, defense and security. The CEA-List, located in the CEA-Paris-Saclay and CEA-Grenoble centers, is a CEA technological research institute dedicated to smart digital systems. Its R&D programs, focused on the factory of the future, artificial intelligence and digital trust, contribute to the industrial competitiveness of its partners through innovation and technology transfer. The 900 engineer-researchers and technicians of the CEA-List put their expertise at the service of major socio-economic issues by offering technological innovations with high added value, centered on people and carrying values of social and environmental responsibility. The quality of its partnership research has earned CEA-List the “Institut Carnot” label in 2020 for the 4th consecutive time.

www-list.cea.fr | Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube

Gold Sponsors:

 Sound & Bright  

Sound & Bright offers a range of cutting-edge laser-based ultrasound systems for Non-Destructive Testing applications ranging from laboratory research and development to industry. Our systems provide market-leading sensitivity and noise reduction. The technologies on which they are based were born of research and development grants from the National Air and Space Agency (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) and have been continually updated to meet our customer’s exacting standards. We are based in Los Angeles, California where our systems are designed and built to order.


 Opton Laser  

Opton Laser International is a major player in the French laser and photonics industry. Founded in 1990 and located in Les Ulis, in the heart of the “Optics Valley”, Opton has acquired an international reputation for competence and stability, offering its customers not only cutting-edge technologies, but also quality assistance. Opton is particularly active in the fields of lasers, spectroscopy, laser instrumentation, laser optical components and micro and nano-positioning technologies.

Silver Sponsors:


Tecnar Laser Ultrasonics knows that better process control means increased productivity. That’s why your productivity is at the heart of everything we do. Tecnar designs and develops advanced sensors for industrial process monitoring and control. Founded in 1989 as a spin-off from Canada’s National Research Council, Tecnar has since diversified into four highly specialized product lines: automated pressure pipe welding, thermal and cold spray sensors, non-contact laser ultrasonic sensors and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) sensors. 



ArcelorMittal is the world's leading steel and mining company, with a presence in more than 60 countries and an industrial footprint in 18 countries. Guided by a philosophy to produce safe, sustainable steel, we are the leading supplier of quality steel in the major global steel markets including automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging, with world-class research and development and outstanding distribution networks. 


Bronze Sponsors: 


First european electricity producer, EDF produces safe, affordable and carbon-free electricity in power plants which it designs and operates all over the Euope and world. To support its activities and customers, EDF Research & Development division relies on recognized expertise, testing resources that are sometimes unique in the world, and world-class know-how. These innovative solutions are accessible thanks to more than 70 modern, high-performance testing, measurement and simulation platforms in all areas of the energy sector. R&D has supercomputers reaching a 11-Petaflop capacity as well as major digital simulation software, making it a leading player in these fields.



Sponsoring scientific societies: 

SFA              SF2M

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